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  • Avatar photoEmiino
    Post count: 201

    Name / Alias: Narcis / Emiino

    Country of Origin: Romania

    Age:22 years old

    Main Character Name: Emiino-TwistingNether
    Main Character Class: Demon Hunter

    Main Specialization:Havoc
    Off Specialization: Vengeance

    Screenshot of your UI:

    Warcraft Logs Link:
    ( last log may by private

    Previous PvE Experience/History of Previous Guilds/Why did you leave them? :
    I start playing at end of Castel Nathria but the first CE i achieved was with Twisted in Sofo,( also was close to CE in Sod but the guild decide to stop exactly at mommy sylvanas). I left because the boat was sinking, multiple individuals were leaving the guild after achieve CE in sofo. In fated i was playing in The reckless (TN) and clear all raids at mythic difficulty around 300 wr but sadly need to leave for some personal problems. In dragonflight i was playing with a INVINCIBLE and avhieved CE in Vault at 660 wr, after that i continue raiding with them untill around midle of the abberus but sadly i got to much burn out with Uni and game that i choose to focus on one and took a break. New i come back for amirdrasill but sadly didnt found a decent guild at start of patch because all the roles was taken and dh was meta so no room for me :(
    So i arrive in The after party that demon raid untill 1:30 am my hour and in mean time i was trying to find some guild that not raid so late, somehow i found Watchyourfeat that was progressing fyrakk and give me a chance to go with them but here i see multiple red flags that really want me to leave after this tier. About red flags can number ( 4 days raid at start of tier and immense number of pulls for some booses fyrakk ( 400+ pulls) and tindral also and only 1 man lead this guild).
    Mention i have 350+ pulls in tindral but needed to leave because the guys want me at the fyrakk.

    How did you find out about Violent Circus?:
    I was looking for a semihardcore guild that have a rank and number of pulls to kill a boss that challenge me to improve my gameplay. Mainly i saw you guys on wowprogress when i put demonhunter dd on search and also it ring the bell when Kekzy speak about the progress ^^

    Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?:
    It seems like a stable rooster with challenge every tier that keep me still love this game and made possible to also continue day to day life and also play this game with a chill and reactive feeling.

    What can you bring to the team?:
    I’m a quick learner, dependable, and possess a calm, non-toxic demeanor. Additionally, I consider myself skilled and responsive, staying updated on developments within my class.

    Availability(How often are you available, etc.):
    Kinda everyday after 18 CET.

    Anything else you would like to add?:
    During the day, you’ll catch me boosting with the kings of this game while skyping some boring courses.
    See ya around for some juice gold (peppodealer), if you say gold can’t buy happines it seems you dont have enough.

    Avatar photoCyne
    Post count: 27

    Hi Emiino,

    Thanks very much for your application! As communicated to you on Discord today, we have decided to decline your application. We wish you the best of luck finding a new guild that fits your needs and wants!

    Best wishes,

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