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  • Avatar photoKevin
    Post count: 201

    Name / Alias:
    Kevin / Mamaessen

    Country of Origin:


    Main Character Name:
    Main Character Class:

    Main Specialization:
    Affliction/Destruction – I am proficient with all Warlock specializations, although Demonology is my least preferred.
    Off Specialization:

    Screenshot of your UI:

    Warcraft Logs Link:

    Previous PvE Experience:
    My raiding experience in a coordinated group for Mythic content is somewhat limited. In the past, I mostly played with friends in guilds where the main goal was to enjoy the game rather than push the hardest content. We aimed more for fun and occasionally worked towards completing the Ahead of the Curve achievement. I only began to see World of Warcraft as a competitive game with the release of Shadowlands, when I started pushing Mythic+ dungeons seriously with a regular group. However, that group disbanded early in Shadowlands Season 2, after which I took a break until Dragonflight, focusing on other hobbies like cycling.

    Since Dragonflight, I’ve been playing consistently, and I’ve channeled my competitive drive into Mythic+. My personal goal has been to reach the top 0.1% title each season, which I’ve achieved solely with PUGs. I’m most comfortable on my Warlock, but I’m also flexible with class choices to achieve my goals. To improve my Mythic+ performance, I’ve also played an Augmentation Evoker (Dragonmama-Blackmoore) during Dragonflight and switches two weaks ago to a Balance Druid because it has a better standing for most PUG groups.

    In terms of Mythic raiding, I’m aware of my relatively limited experience but have a realistic understanding of my abilities. With the introduction of cross-server Mythic raiding from day one in The War Within, I’ve started raiding more actively and no longer see it solely as a gearing option. So far, I’ve cleared 4 out of 8 bosses in Mythic with standard PUG groups, which is the maximum progress achievable with such groups. My biggest highlight was taking down Queen in Heroic mode with a PUG group during the first raid week, which took 72 attempts but was incredibly rewarding.

    History of Previous Guilds:
    I don’t have a significant history with progress-oriented guilds, as my previous groups were mostly casual or focused on social aspects rather than competitive progression. Currently, I’m a member of an LGBTQ+ community guild, which doesn’t focus on high-end content or Mythic progression.

    Why did you leave them?:
    I plan to leave my current guild to seek a more progress-focused environment for high-end content, but I’m not leaving the community or the friendships I’ve built there. I’ll continue to stay connected with them through Discord.

    How did you find out about Violent Circus?:
    I found out about the guild through wowprogress while searching for a group with raid times and current progress that match my availability and goals.

    Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?:
    I think this guild is a good fit because it seems focused on progress without losing sight of having fun together, which is exactly what I’m looking for. My goal is to work towards Cutting Edge, and I know I still have things to learn in Mythic raiding. I’d appreciate any tips or guidance along the way, and I’m ready to put in the effort and pick things up quickly. I’m hoping for a team where we can push each other, stay relaxed, and hit our goals together.

    What can you bring to the team?:
    As I mentioned, I’m a quick learner and can adapt to new specs or classes without much trouble. My focus on Mythic+ has taught me how to use my class utility well beyond just running a DPS rotation. Playing mostly with PUGs has also made me pretty wipe-resistant, and I’d say I’m a calm, diplomatic player even in tough situations.

    I have a solid understanding of class mechanics and spend time in class-specific Discords to sharpen my knowledge and keep up with any details I can use to improve. I’m always up for fine-tuning and making adjustments that benefit the team. Additionally, I have no issue with sitting on the bench when needed—I don’t require a permanent spot and am flexible in adjusting to the needs of the group.

    Availability(How often are you available, etc.):
    The biggest strength of your guild is that your raid times fit really well with my schedule. I’m generally available on Mondays and Sundays, unless there are birthdays or work-related events that might interfere.

    Most guilds raid on Wednesdays or Thursdays, and unfortunately, I can’t make Thursday nights at all. Wednesdays are a bit tricky as well, since I’m tied up every other week, but I’m available most weeks.

    Avatar photoEadrom
    Post count: 42

    Hi Kevin,

    Thank you for your app, we really appreciate the detail put into it.

    Unfortunately we do not think you have enough experience for us, as well as the fact we aren’t really looking for a warlock right now.

    Best of luck in your search for a guild!

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