Lea aka Cassi
Guest3 October 2022 at 14:13Post count: 201Name / Alias: Hello my Name is Lea aka Cassi
Country of Origin: I am from Germany
Age: My age is 23 years
Main Character Name: Cassï-ArgentDawn
Main Character Class: PriestMain Specialization: Holy
Off Specialization: Could play shadow in the worst case :DScreenshot of your UI:
Warcraft Logs Link: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/id/64057517
Previous PvE Experience: I started raiding in late Nighthold 2019. During TOS i experienced my first Mythic Raids 4/9M. Antorus was the raid where I got my first CE. In Uldir I have been doing 3/8 I think, i played with different Characters there, because I was told to play Rdruid :( . Battle of Dazar’alor i achieved 8/9M with CE (Benched for Stormwall). I didn’t really play Crucible of Storms so its 2/2HC. EP i play with my druid as DPS and we got 7/8M. Ny’alotha 11/12M with CE missing only Il’gynoth. CN 10/10M, even with a horrible ShadowPriest play on Sire D:. SoD I achieved 9/10M and in the previous or last tier Spelucher 7/11M (Benched on Lihuvium and Vacation on the last three.)
History of Previous Guilds: In TOS I started with a German Guild, going into Iris (RL was yelling only and just harassing everyone who didn’t follow orders),Fruit Basket aka Sugar Rush (disbanded) Blessing of Wisdom (Personally didn’t fit at all with a lot of yelling at others), Dragon Order (Disbanded) and the last Guild Calm before the Storm
Why did you leave them?: My last guild was one of my favourites. I loved the people and the raid atmosphere, but for some reason I received a message that they are not satisfied with me. One of their Main reasons was me being late almost always and not being prepared for raids. I have been late like twice by 2-3 minutes and they never told me anything about it. Mostly because I came back from work late. I come always prepared to the raids, be it consumables which I always traded and always had anything. Preparing for the raid I always followed the instructions that where given, watched the guide vids they posted looked up our spreadsheet, and informed myself about what other priests are playing. So sadly they never came to me and spoke to me about that, which I think is sad.
How did you find out about Violent Circus?: I read about Violent Circus on Wow Progress and was impressed by your History.
Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?: from what you write in your profile, I feel like you are being serious about the game but also respect the real life. I love the atmosphere that you are describing in the profile hardworking, teamplay and fun outside of raid. I am looking for a home where I can raid, get the best out of me helping the guild in the best way and enjoy playing.
What can you bring to the team?: I can bring fun and the ability to take criticism. I am always happy to help others but also grateful when I need help. I am an open minded person who also likes to have a nice chat only or just build up the teamplay with mount or mog runs, some pvp or a good Mythic+
Availability(How often are you available, etc.): I am available during every day unless the Holidays come up like Christmas where I am spending time with my family or in summer when I fly to my boyfriend, not longer than 3 weeks and in the worst case I can make it work there as well :D
Anything else you would like to add?: I could play my shaman but have to level it up, I could also learn the Shadow as off spec, the basics I already know. I play havoc DH but also have to level that up.
Hi Lea, thanks for your application. We will discuss it and will come back to you shortly :)
Guest3 October 2022 at 15:24Post count: 201I Am so sorry I forgot to add the Link for my UI! https://imgur.com/AQipbeJ
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