Guest27 August 2024 at 18:10Post count: 201Name / Alias: Floris/Gojira
Country of Origin: The Netherlands
Age: 29
Main Character Name: Niquex (pronounced nee-keks, I think.)
Main Character Class: Evoker
Main Specialization: Augmentation, but I’m happy to play Devastation, in case Aug meta shifts around.
Off Specialization: DevastationScreenshot of your UI:
Warcraft Logs Link:
Recent Evoker:
Notable ancient logs from the depths of Legion, Rogue in Nighthold/Tomb:
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/eu/kazzak/aconitium?zone=17#zone=11Previous PvE Experience:
Mythic raids:
HFC 13/13 (FARM)
EN 7/7
ToV 3/3
Nighthold 10/10
ToS 8/9
Antorus 11/11 (FARM)
Uldir 8/8
BoD 6/9
CN 8/10
SoD 5/10 (painsmith, my beloved)Awakened Raids Season 4:
Vault 5/8
Aberrus 6/9
Amirdrassil 5/9You may notice my recent ‘Awakened’ experiences only lasted for 3 resets. That’s because a friend asked me to join their guild for TWW, and me being pretty excited to jump back into raiding, I said yes. I was able to gear up a bit and jump into Mythic for a couple of weeks. However, by the third week they decided to go on break because of planned vacations of key players + simply just needing a break before TWW began.
I’ve raided at various different levels, with wildly varying schedules, and with that came different results. Most notably however, I played my Rogue at a top 100 world level during Nighthold.
History of Previous Guilds:
<Fang> Nighthold + ToS
I joined this guild in very early Nighthold progression, during Krosus, as a Rogue. We raided quite a lot, 16 hours a week on a 4 day schedule. These efforts paid off, getting us a Gul’dan world 97th kill. I stayed with them until I stepped down after Fallen Avatar died, and came back later during on Antorus farm to join them for BFA.<Dark Substance> Uldir + BoD
Unfortunately Fang did not end up working out for me, so while looking for a new guild to call home, I found Dark Substance during the pre-patch of BFA. I focused heavily on mechanics as I was a mobile BM Hunter now, I also briefly returned to my Rogue to kill Zul. I played Rogue for BoD and cleared up to Rastakhan with them.My more casual raiding experiences began with Shadowlands and Dragonflight. During these expansions I played several different classes in a number of guilds, mostly linked to friends. It ranged from Heroic-only guilds, to early-Mythic guilds.
<No More Greens> Dragonflight Season 4
As I explained above, I recently joined this guild in preparation for TWW on the recommendation of my friend. I only raided 3 resets with them.Why did you leave them?:
<Fang> for a time, it felt worth it. The 16 hours a week was a lot, but it paid off.
Throughout our time in Tomb of Sargeras, the overall vibe had shifted because of leadership changes, and the 16 hours started to feel more like torture, and I started to burn out.
I respectfully stepped down after our first kill of Fallen Avatar to take a break from raiding.<Dark Substance>, I joined this guild in the hopes of finding a new home in WoW. Things started out okay, but over time I found myself not really fitting in with this guild. I don’t really want to air out anyone’s dirty laundry here, but things such as a ‘mandatory survey’ where you were forced to rate your fellow raiders, was too much for me.
<No More Greens>, I was hoping for a chill and friendly raiding environment to get back into raiding and to find a home for TWW. However, certain attitudes along with some ‘should-be-obvious’ forced requirements are making me feel like this is not the right long-term environment for me.
How did you find out about Violent Circus?:
I’ve known Retier for over a decade, dating back to Mists of Pandaria, we met in a cute little 10 man guild and became friends quickly. We’ve played lots of PvP throughout the years and also kept in contact outside of WoW. By now I’ve heard a lot of stories about Violent Circus, and they’ve given me a good impression.
Why do you think this guild is fit for you and what are your expectations from us?:
After being a casual vagrant for these last two expansions, I yearn to be in a guild I can call home for a long time, and also consistently clear raid tiers with at a competitive level. Everything I’ve heard about Violent Circus are things I’ve always wanted from a guild, but never quite found. I’m looking for a guild to raid with for a long time, due to a solid environment, along with a sustainable raiding schedule that fits well with my real life and won’t end up causing a burn-out.
What can you bring to the team?:
I always put mechanics first, I learn fast, and stay consistent. I’m vocal when needed, and I have a healthy attitude towards progress, such as staying calm when fights get frustrating, or being benched to progress a boss as efficiently as possible. I also keep myself up to date with things such as class discords, websites, or video form content of the classes I play, and of course the raids we progress.
As for commitment, when I find the right community, I am there for the long run. During my more casual years in WoW I was in an amazing guild in Black Desert Online for over 4 years, which eventually retired, and I went down with it.
Availability(How often are you available, etc.):
I’ll always be consistently available during raid times. Outside from those hours, I’ll still be doing a lot of things like M+, playing alts, collecting transmogs and probably some PvP from time to time.Anything else you would like to add?:
I’m happy to answer any questions over a further discord voice chat, and hope to hear back soon!Hi Niquex,
Thanks for your application!
We will review it internally and get back to you in the next day or so.
Cheers, Andy.
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